Lecture Series In the Memory of Prof. Lee Ross. Co-sponsored by the Stanford Center for International Conflict and Negotiation, Stanford University
With his students and colleagues, Prof. Ross identified concepts and phenomena that are central to research and practice focused on the social psychology of disputes and their resolution. His contributions to the field of conflict and negotiation include documenting the effects of the following concepts: Naive realism (also known as the objectivity illusion), reactive devaluation of settlement offers, biased assimilation of mixed evidence, and the hostile media effect.
Attendance is mandatory for students of the program.
First Semester Seminars: In the Memory of Prof. Lee Ross. Co-sponsored by the Stanford Center for International Conflict and Negotiation, Stanford University
Lecture title: Honoring the Legacy of Lee Ross: Understanding Factors that Promote Conflict and Hinder its Resolution
Lecturer: Prof. Andrew Ward, Department of Psychology, Swarthmore College
Date: October 18, 2021 | 13:30
We will open with brief presentations of Professors and courses in the program and with brief remarks by the Head of the Program, Prof. Ifat Maoz
Via Zoom teleconference
Lecture title: Private Peace Entrepreneurs in Conflict Resolution Processes
Lecturer: Dr. Lior Lehrs, Hebrew University
Date: November 22, 2021 | 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference
Lecture title: Contact at work: Intra-organizational dynamics, workers' experiences and political consciousness in a Jewish-Palestinian organization
Lecturer: Dr. Linda Jakob Sadeh - Postdoctoral scholar at the Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace.
Date: December 20, 2021 | 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference
Lecture title: Lee Ross between the promised land and the punished land
Lecturer: Prof. Emeritus Avishai Margalit, Hebrew University and Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Date: January 3, 2022 | 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference
Second Semester Seminars: In the Memory of Lee Ross and his Contributions. Co-sponsored by the Stanford Center for International Conflict and Negotiation, Stanford University
Lecture title: Is it all about feelings? Emotional barriers to peace and their interaction with other (less powerful) barriers
Lecturer: Prof. Eran Halperin, Hebrew University
Date: March 21st, 2022 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference
Lecture title: Honoring the Legacy of Lee Ross: The Why and How of a Shared Future: My Journey with Lee Ross
Lecturer: Byron Bland, Associate Director of the Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation and Research Associate at CDDRL
Date: April 25, 2022 | 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference
Lecture title: Bias Blindness and its Social Consequences
Lecturer: Prof. Emily Pronin, Princeton University
Date: May 23, 2022 | 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference
Lecture title: TBD
Lecturer: TBD
Date: June 13, 2022 | 13:00
Via Zoom teleconference