Departmental Seminar - 2020-2021

The Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution

List of departmental seminars for the first semester 2020-2021

Seminars will be held from 13:00 to 14:30 via ZOOM unless stated otherwise


26.10. 20:  Opening of the year seminar

Prof. Ifat Maoz, Director, The Program for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution: Greetings opening remarks 

Advocate Netta Loevy, Itavh Maaki- Women Lawyers for Social Justice

20 Years for UN Security Council Resolution- Women Peace and Security: Achievements and Barriers

Conducted jointly with the program for Gender and Diversity Studies


16.11.20: Prof. Tsfira Grebelsky LichtmanThe Hebrew University and Ono Academic Center

Mic, Pandemic and Epic: Male versus Female Political Leaders’ Nonverbal Communication during the COVID-19 Crisis


14.12. 20: Prof. Nik John, Department of Communication, The Hebrew University                   

The role of unfriending in conflict and conflict resolution.


04.01.21: Dr. Boaz Hameiri, The Evens Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, School of Social and Policy Studies, Tel Aviv University

Interventions for changing well-anchored attitudes in the context of intergroup conflicts


15.3. 21:  Dr. Shoham Choshen-Hillel, School of Business Administration and the Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

To be honest, I lie


19.4.21:  Dr. Nechumi Yaffe, Tel Aviv University

Social norms and conflicting norms in the Haredi society


3.5.21: Dr. Ibrahim Hazboun, The Hebrew University                    

Dynamics and experiences of living in marginalized communities: The case of Palestinians in Jerusalem


7.6.21: Dr. Reut Barak Weekes, Glocal International Development Program, The Hebrew University

Links between conflicts and economic development in the African continent


Attendance in all seminars is mandatory for students in our program