Table of Contents





Departmental Seminars 2012-2013

During the academic year 2012-13 the following lectures and seminars were and are held in the framework of the Swiss Center colloquium. These lectures cover a variety of topics, relevant to conflict, peace, and inter-group relations from psychological, political, media related and sociological perspectives:

"Public hazard, feminine fear and personal price"  

Lecturer: Dr. Yifat Bitton

The College of Management Academic studies, Co-founder and chair of "TmuraAntidiscriminationLegalCenter".

Chair: Prof. Esther Schely-Newman – Chair of the Department of Communication.

Opening Comments: Prof. Ifat Maoz – Head of the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution and Director of the Smart Communication Institute.

Respondent: Mr. Yossi David – Department of Communication.

Date: Wednesday, January 16 2013, 12:30-14:00

This lecture was held jointly with the Smart Communication Institute and the Gender Forum of the Department of Communication and the Conflict Research Program.


"Emotion, emotion regulation and conflict resolution: Psycho-political perspective"

Lecturer: Dr. Eran Halperin

School of Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya.

Abstract: The central role played by emotions in conflict has long been recognized by many of the scholars who study ethnic conflicts and conflict resolution. Yet recent developments in the psychological study of discrete emotions and of emotion regulation have yet to receive adequate attention by those who study and seek to promote conflict resolution. At the same time, scholars of emotion and emotion regulation have only rarely tested their core theories in the context of long term conflicts, which constitute a unique and highly emotional environment. I argue that building bridges between these two communities would help us to form a better understanding of core processes in emotion and emotion regulation as well as greatly advance theory and practice in conflict resolution. To address that goal, a theoretical, appraisal based, model elucidating the way emotions operate in the context of conflict resolution processes is presented, followed by a review of recent empirical developments in the study of discrete emotions in conflict resolution processes. Next, I discuss various avenues of influence and provide preliminary data regarding the potential role of two types of emotion regulation processes (i.e., direct and indirect) in conflict resolution efforts. Finally, I describe the future challenges in integrating these two bodies of knowledge, at both the theoretical and the applied levels.

Chair: Prof. Tamir Sheafer – Director of the Program of Political Communication in the Department of Communication and the Department of Political Science, Vice Dean for Academic Matters in the Faculty of Social Science.

Date: Wednesday, March 6 2013, 12:30-14:00

This lecture was held jointly with the Program of Political Communication

in the Department of Communication and the Department of Political Science


The event was opened by short speeches in the memory of Prof. Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov (1946-2013), the founder of the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution, and its director in 1999-2009.

"Perceptions of public opinion in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 2001-2012: On projections, biases and in between"

Lecturer:  Dr. Shira Dvir Gvirsman

School of Communication, NetanyaAcademicCollege.

Chair: Prof. Ifat Maoz – Head of the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution and Director of the Smart Communication Institute.

Date: Wednesday, April 24 2013, 12:30-14:00

Held jointly with the Program of Political Communication in the Department of Communication and the Department of Political Science

The Smart Communication Institute


"The role of media in coverage of conflicts: between the nation and the profession"

Lecturer: Dr. Motti Neiger

School of Communication, NetanyaAcademicCollege.

Chair: Prof. Esther Schely-Newman – Chair of the Department of Communication.

Respondents: Prof. Esther Schely-Newman – Chair of the Department of Communication, and Dr. Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt – Department of Communication.

Date: Monday, May 6 2013, 16:30-18:00

Jointly held with the Department of Communication and the

Smart Communication Institute


"From repression to activism: The Palestinian image in the epic and documentary Israeli cinematography"

Lecturer: Mrs. Maya De Vries

Graduate, Swiss Center Masters Program, Doctoral student, Department of Communication and SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

Date: Wednesday, May 22 2013, 12:30-14:00

This Seminar is a farewell event from Irina Peleg – Coordinator and advisor of the SwissCenter between 1999-2012, and will open by short speeches of students and faculty members from the center. .


-          Prof. Ilana Ritov - Director of the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution in 2009-2012.

-          Prof. Gabriel Horenczyk – School of Education and the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

-          Prof. Ilan Yaniv - Department of Psychology and the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

-          Dr. Eitan Alimi – Department of Political Science and the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution. 

-          Mr. Dani Fridberg – Graduate, SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution Masters Program.

-          Mr. Tal Shahaf – Doctoral student in the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

-          Mrs. Yael Lahav - Doctoral student in the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

-          Mrs. Einat Levi – Masters research student in the SwissCenter for Conflict     Research, Management and Resolution.














The Marguerite Wolff Annual Seminar


Between Compassion and Conflict

Key Note Lectur: "Cheating for our loved ones"

Dr. Shaul Shalvi, Department of Psychology, Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev.

Abstract: How far will people go for their loved ones? Are people willing to lie for the benefit of those they care about? What are the biological foundations for such dishonesty? And what are the underlying psychological processes driving it? I will present experimental evidence suggesting that oxytocin, a hormone released during bonding behaviors such as hugging or breastfeeding and associated with trust and cooperation, plays a role in modulating group supporting dishonesty. The findings evoke the question - is lying always immoral?

Opening Comments: Prof. Ilana Ritov – Director of the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution in 2009-2012.

Respondent: Prof. Ilan Yaniv – Department of Psychology and the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

Date: Wednesday, December 19 2012, HebrewUniversity, MountScopus Campus

The Marguerite Wolff Annual Seminar

Between Compassion and Conflict

Key Note Lectur: "Cheating for our loved ones"

Dr. Shaul Shalvi, Department of Psychology, Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev.

Abstract: How far will people go for their loved ones? Are people willing to lie for the benefit of those they care about? What are the biological foundations for such dishonesty? And what are the underlying psychological processes driving it? I will present experimental evidence suggesting that oxytocin, a hormone released during bonding behaviors such as hugging or breastfeeding and associated with trust and cooperation, plays a role in modulating group supporting dishonesty. The findings evoke the question - is lying always immoral?

Opening Comments: Prof. Ilana Ritov – Director of the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution in 2009-2012.

Respondent: Prof. Ilan Yaniv – Department of Psychology and the SwissCenter for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.

Date: Wednesday, December 19 2012, HebrewUniversity, MountScopus Campus