Interdisciplinary Departmental Seminars

Departmental Seminars 2012-2013

During the academic year 2012-13 the following lectures and seminars were and are held in the framework of the Swiss Center colloquium. These lectures cover a variety of topics, relevant to conflict, peace, and inter-group relations from psychological, political, media related and sociological perspectives:

"Public hazard, feminine fear and personal price"  

Lecturer: Dr. Yifat Bitton

Departmental Seminars 2013-2014


Lecture Title: "Between Spring and Winter: Intermediate Evaluation about the Revolutions in the Arab World" 
Lecturer: Prof. Elie Podeh
The Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Opening Comments: Dr. Zohar Kampf – Director of the Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution.
Date: Monday, November 4 2013, 12:30-14:00.
This lecture was held jointly with the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies. 

Departmental Seminars 2014-2015

During the academic year 2014-15 six lectures and seminars were held in the framework of the Swiss Center colloquium. These lectures cover a variety of topics, relevant to conflict, peace, and inter-group relations from psychological, political, media related and sociological perspectives.

Departmental Seminars 2015-2016

During the academic year 2015-16 a series of lectures and seminars was held in the framework of the Swiss Center colloquium. These lectures cover a variety of topics, relevant to conflict, peace and inter-group relations from psychological, political, media related and sociological perspectives.

Interdisciplinary Departmental Seminars

During the school year, once a month, the Center organizes an interdisciplinary  departmental seminar in which all the students and faculty of the program take part

The seminar is held in Hebrew or English and conducted on Mondays between the time 12: 30-14:00 in the media department at the university library (unless otherwise stated(

 Seminar attendance is mandatory.