In the Press
Warm congratulations to Prof. Tsfira Grebelsky
Warm congratulations to Shaina Silberstein, Aliza Gold, Rafi Barkan Bocarsly, Shlomit Laub and Roy Katz
Warm congratulations to Shaina Silberstein, Aliza Gold, Rafi Barkan Bocarsly, Shlomit Laub and Roy Katz for submitting their theses and completing their master's degree with honors
Warm congratulations to Shaina Silberstein for the birth of her son
Lecture Series in the Memory of Prof. Lee Ross
We will be conducting a series of lectures in the Memory of Prof. Lee Ross, one of the founders and leading scholars in our field.
See here for more information:
Lecture Series in the Memory of Prof. Lee Ross
We will be conducting a series of lectures in the Memory of Prof. Lee Ross, one of the founders and leading scholars in our field.
See here for more information: