“Studying in the Program for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution has been an eye opening experience which has changed the way I look at international relations. The MA Program provides so much historical context and has made me feel more aware of the world around me. I know that no matter what I choose to do after the program, I will be able to understand more about how individuals and countries think. This program has truly educated me on how to conduct research, analyze situations, and cultivate compromise.”
Scarlett De Jean, year of 2021
“Joining the MA Program in Conflict Research, Management, and Resolution has proved to be one of the best decisions I made in my life. The faculty members have impressive academic proficiency and the student body proved to be very aggregative and diverse. The academic activity of the Center is very much relevant to the field of Conflict Studies. Upon conclusion of my studies, I am confident that I will have deepened my qualifications, expanded my intellectual horizons, and strengthened my networks. Both my personal and professional life have been decisively and positively affected by attending this program.”
Marcelo Furtado, year of 2022
“Studying in the MA Program for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution has been an enriching and meaningful experience. I have gained new perspectives on a multitude of topics, the faculty is highly supportive, and the advanced academic level has pushed me to reach new goals and pave the way for my future.”
Shaina Silberstein, year of 2022