


As part of the Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution Masters Studies Program, we offer our students the opportunity to participate in an internship program. The aim of the program is to enrich participants’ knowledge in management and resolution of conflicts, to increase their exposure to work in the civil and public sector, and to enable them to acquire proper skills in those fields. The participation in the internship program involves a selection process, as only outstanding students are accepted. The MA Internship program is part of a larger internship project of the Hebrew University’s Faculty of Social Sciences.
The Swiss Center is a pioneer in offering this program to outstanding master’s students.

Dr. Maya De Vries supervised our students during the Internship and wrote a summary about the experience:
This year, we were able to integrate our students in excellent internships in institutions and organizations such as: The Israeli Parliament, Israeli Foreign Ministry, Mosaica –The center for conflict resolution by agreement, Jerusalem Press Club and more. As part of the internship, the students are obliged to participate in an academic course in which we explore the role of organizations from various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. During the academic year,
alongside their practical work, the students were expected to hand in a final paper relating directly to their internship. Hence, throughout the course the students learned various research methods, focusing on the qualitative approach and the method of “Action Research.” In this manner, the students worked intensively on their final research project, which was also presented in a format of a poster at the end of the year’s graduation ceremony. Furthermore, throughout the year, our students were exposed to highly interesting guest lecturers such as: Mrs. Naomi Greenberg from the East Jerusalem team in the municipality of Jerusalem, Mr. Yaccov Netzer, former CEO of Ynet, Mrs. Racheli Hazoun from the Jerusalem movement NGO, Mrs. Michal Barak, manager of the Intercultural Research Centre at the Hebrew University, and Mr. Ofer Tzemach – manager of the Hebrew University Archive.