Departmental Seminars 2018- 2019



Throughout the 2018-19 academic year, a series of lectures and seminars were held as part of the Swiss Center colloquium. These lectures covered a variety of topics relevant to conflict, such as conflict resolution and intergroup relations from psychological, historical, linguistic, cultural, organizational and sociological perspectives.

First Semester Seminars

Lecture title: Framing the Field of Peace and Conflict Studies: in Theory and Practice

Lecturer: Prof. Jay Rothman

                President, the ARIA Group

                Research Associate, The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, Hebrew       University

Date: October 15, 2018 | 12:15

Room 2415, Faculty of Social Sciences



Lecture title: Talking politics on WhatsApp Groups: The potential for cross-cutting talk and the role of sociability

Lecturer: Dr. Neta Kliger-Vilenchik

                 Department of Communication and Journalism, Hebrew University

Date: November 5, 2018 | 12:30

Room 2415, Faculty of Social Sciences



Lecture title: Can revenge also contribute to the process of reconciliation between enemies in a violent identity-based conflict?

Lecturer: Dr. Yehudith Auerbach

    The Swiss Center for Conflict Research , The Hebrew University



Date: December 24, 2018 | 12:15

Room 2415, Faculty of Social Sciences




Second Semester Seminars


Lecture title: The Israeli Cinema in times of Confict: Changes and Directions

Lecturer: Prof. Raya Morag

    Department of Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University


Date: March 18, 2019 | 12:30

Room 32, Media Library





Lecture title: Public Opinion and Decisions about Military Force in Democracies

Lecturer: Prof. Michael Tomz

    Stanford University


Date: April 29, 2019 | 12:30

Room 32, Media Library





Lecture title: Working together in the context of protracted asymmetric conflict: Experiences, perceptions and attitudes of Israeli Jews and Arabs in joint medical work teams


Lecturer: Michal Raz Rotem

                 The Swiss Center for Conflict Research, Hebrew University



Date: May 13, 2019 | 12:30

Media Library





Lecture title: Developing the LEARN Model for Constructing a Collaborative Conflict Climate

Lecturer: Prof. Jessica Jameson

    North Carolina State University

    Senior Lady David Fellow, The Swiss Center for Conflict Research

Date: June 10, 2019 | 12:30

Media Library

